Suzdal: Golden Ring Gem

Suzdal: Golden Ring Gem
As you climb down from Suzdal’s 14th century Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery and cross the Kamenka River via a narrow, wooden foot bridge below, you come onto a street lined with beautiful one- and two-story homes that... Continue reading →

Sakhalin: 8 Things I Learned

Sakhalin: 8 Things I Learned
The Russian province of Sakhalin, an island north of Japan, has always been associated in my mind with oil and gas projects, earthquakes or nasty snow storms. Other than it once belonging to Japan, I... Continue reading →

Rostov Meat Market Visit

Rostov Meat Market Visit
Rostov Meat Market Visit Outdoor and indoor markets tend to be colorful places no matter what country you are in – China, Russia or the USA. Moscow used to have plenty of them, but with... Continue reading →

Winter Wakeboarding in Russia

Winter Wakeboarding in Russia
Winter Wakeboarding in Russia With 15 years in Russia behind me, I was asked by a Russian publication if I would like to talk about my life here. As I love photographing around Russia, I... Continue reading →